Fabulous Fun Food Facts™


“Here you can find out more about the food you eat everyday. This page includes information about hidden dyes, sugars, and preservatives that are commonly found in foods too.” – Lazarus The Lime

Click on the links to read about the different dyes, preservatives, and sugars in the foods you eat

Food Dyes

Did you know…

  • Our bodies can remember some taste experiences
  • Frozen Foods hold just as much nutrients as fresh foods do
  • Cottage Cheese is a great source of protein, calcium, and amino acids
  • Strawberries and raspberries are both antioxidant-rich cancer fighters
  • Baked potatoes are great at absorbing simple sugars and low in calories
  • Tomatoes are made up of four chambers, just like the heart! No wonder they’re a good heart food
  • Protein is the key for cancer patients
  • Any apple is healthy but, the one with the highest antioxidant level is Red Delicious
  • Pouring water on top of your guacamole will keep it from turning brown
  • Plant-based milk is much healthier for adults
  • Anything that has ‘from concentrate‘ on the label means added sugar
  • Chicken has a sugar called glucosamine that helps fight inflammation
  • Salmon is the number one most consumed fish in America
  • Never bring anything up to temperature when cooking, it will dry out the food
  • Dark cherry juice is a wonderful sleep aid
  • Sweet potatoes are on the list of the world’s healthiest foods. They are loaded with vitamins A, C, and potassium, just to name a few.
  • Cinnamon helps with digestion, can soothe an upset tummy, and helps with nausea
  • Squash is a great immune system booster
  • Black olives can help in fighting heart disease and high cholesterol
  • Mustard is actually a super food for two reasons: mustard seeds and turmeric. Mustard seeds have been found to help fight against cancer, diabetes, and remove foreign toxins in our bodies. Turmeric not only gives mustard its yellow color but also helps prevent cancer.
  • Lamb is one of the leanest proteins you can eat and should be prepared medium, not well done
  • Your heart hangs in your chest just like red grapes hang on the vine. That’s why they are excellent heart foods.
  • Mushrooms are loaded with vitamin D and are a natural disease-fighting food
  •  Be sure to cook your pork to medium so that it doesn’t dry out
  • Nitrates are a no-no especially when fighting cancer
  • Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C, low in calories, and a great source of energy. So are cantaloupe and honeydew
  • Need some help with digestion? Try wild rice!
  • Plums are also full of vitamin A which is essential for good eyesight and skin
  • When cooking grass-fed meats, use a lower temperature and longer cook time so the middle is done and the outside isn’t burnt
  • Ginger is one of the healthiest spices on earth. It fights nausea and helps with digestion.
  • Adding heat to food aids in digestion, helps your body get rid of toxins, and increases your metabolism so don’t be afraid to add some hot sauce or cayenne pepper to your meal
  • The spice lemon pepper encourages healthy blood flow which helps prevent blood clots
  • Dried basil aids in protecting cell structures and provide protection from bacterial growth
  • Garlic is reported to help reduce cardiovascular disease
  • Bananas are almost sodium free and they can help your body absorb calcium
  • Need something for breakfast? Eggs are a great protein with 11 different vitamins and minerals
  • The Omega-3 fatty acid found in cod lowers your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, high blood pressure, and heart disease
  • Take a good look at an onion. It looks like our body’s cells, right? That’s why they are good for them, they clear out the waste
  • According to the American Heart Association, you should have 2 servings of fish a week
  • Celery has 23 trace minerals just like our bones! Eating celery keeps our bones healthy and strong
  • Penicillin was derived from the fungus of a mushroom
  • Cucumbers are 95% water so they are really good at keep your body hydrated
  • Tomatoes actually increase in antioxidants when heated
  • Eat Like The Rainbow! Different colored foods equals different vitamins and minerals